Before you can use an SMS message in your application, you must configure its properties.
Open the SMS Messages Properties box by clicking in the fields at the beginning of a message as shown below.
Link a Send MB to this message by clicking on the Send button. The Select Operand and Address box opens.
Select an MB, then press OK. The MB's number and description appear in the Send fields.
Repeat Steps 2 & 3 to link a Receive MB.
Note that a message does not need to be linked to both a Send and Receive MB.
Link the GSM cell phone numbers to this message by checking the boxes of the desired numbers. You can also select Last Received Phone Number. This will cause this SMS message to be sent to the origin of the last SMS message received by the PLC.
Note that you cannot edit the SMS phone book while you are configuring SMS Message
When you have finished, click Exit.
In the message below, the Send MB is 11, the Receive MB is 12, and the checked box under P means that phone numbers have been linked to this message. ACK has also been selected.
This feature allows a cell phone user to check if the PLC has received a particular message.