Hotel Vanilla

Building automation improves energy efficiency and saves money

Industry - Building Automation

Summary: JimTim, a Serbian company, was hired to install HVAC control in a local hotel.  Hotel Vanilla has 17 rooms and a restaurant; using the UniStream PLC+HMI from Unitronics they were able to maintain consistent temperatures across the entire hotel, while maximizing energy efficiency.

JimTim, a Serbia company, was hired to install HVAC control in a local hotel.  Hotel Vanilla has 17 rooms and a restaurant; they wanted to be able to keep consistent temperatures across the entire hotel, while maintaining energy efficiency.

JimTim installed a Unitronics UniStream programmable logic controller with a 10.4-inch color-touch HMI panel.  The PLC used Canbus communications to connect to remote I/O modules on each floor of the hotel.  The room temperature was monitored and turned on and off based on occupation, using fan coil speeds and regulating valves.  The room monitoring was also used to trigger anti-frost measures when necessary.  The UniStream also regulated hot water temperatures in the boiler room using 3-way valves and 3-point control, heat pumps start and stops, and the status of the electrical boilers.

Hotel Vanilla

They were impressed by the high quality of Unitronics’ products.  Not only could the UniStream control multiple systems across the building simultaneously, the PLC’s all-in-one design of helped make the application fast and efficient with an unbeatable price-performance ratio.  Janko Risojevic explains “the biggest advantage was the intuitive, integrated UniLogic environment for ladder and HMI programming”


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Categories: Building Automation.