How Timers work

A Timer operand allows you to count time according to certain logic conditions.

A Timer has

When the timer's Start & Run Condition is OFF, the timer's Bit Value is also OFF.

When the timer's Start & Run Condition rises, the timer's Preset Value is loaded into the timer's Current Value. The timer begins to run. Note that the timer's Bit Value is OFF.

If the timer's Start & Run Condition remains ON during subsequent PLC cycles, the Current Value of the timer continues to decrement.

When the timer has decremented to 0, and the timer's Start & Run Condition is still ON, the timer's Bit Value turns ON. Note that when the timer has finished running, its Current Value is 0.

If the timer's Start & Run Condition falls while the timer is decrementing, the timer stops running. The current value of the timer remains.

Timer Reset takes precedence over the timer's Start & Run Condition. When the timer' Reset Condition rises, the timer's Bit Value turns OFF. The timer's Preset Value is loaded into the Current Value, and the timer's Start & Run Condition cannot activate the timer as long as Reset is ON.

When the timer's Reset Condition falls while the timer's Start & Run Condition is ON, the timer begins to run, exactly the same as when the timer's Start & Run Condition rises.

Below, pressing Key #1 on the Vision keypad activates TD1, which is preset to 5 seconds. If Key #1 is held down for 5 seconds, TD1 decrements to zero. O1 switches on.

If, however, Key #1 is released before TD1 has finished, the timer stops. When Key #1 is pressed again, TD1 again begins to decrement from 5 seconds.


Either the current or elapsed timer value may be shown on the HMI display screen.

According to the above example:

To place a Timer in your program, place a direct coil in a net, and select T.

Timer resolutions

10mS (0.01S)(from 00:00:00.01 to 00:02:43.83 )

100mS (0.1S)(from 00:00:00.10 to 00:27:18.30)

1000mS (1.0S)(from 00:00:01.00 to 04:33:03.00 )

10000mS (10.0S)(from 00:00:10.00 to 45:30:30.00)

Note that:

Related Topics


How do I measure time between two events?

How do I count accumulated time?