Timers (T)

U90 Ladder offers 64 On Delay Timers. Timers have a preset value, a current value, and a bit value. Timers always count down from the Preset Value.  The timer value is 14 bits.

Click on the Timers folder in the Program Navigation pane to display the complete list of Timers. Scroll down to view the complete list.

To place a Timer in your program, place a direct coil in a net, and select T.

Timer resolutions

10mS (0.01S)(from 00:00:00.01 to 00:02:43.83 )

100mS (0.1S)(from 00:00:00.10 to 00:27:18.30)

1000mS (1.0S)(from 00:00:01.00 to 04:33:03.00 )

10000mS (10.0S)(from 00:00:10.00 to 45:30:30.00)

The first 14 bits (from the LSB) of the Timer register contains the value. The two most significant bits contain the Timer resolution.

Note that:

Related Topics

How Timers work

Setting Timers


Load Timer Preset/Current Value

Store Timer's Preset/Current Value


How do I set a Timer's time?

How do I measure time between two events?

How do I count accumulated time?