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Compact PLC with advanced communications ensures consistent printing

Industry - Manufacturing

Summary: INFO d.o.o. needed a compact PLC to control a multistep label printing process.  They implemented a Unitronics Samba 4.3 all-in-one programmable logic controller with HMI to print and check ID codes on tobacco packaging. The Samba was powerful, fast and easy to use, allowing for a successful application.

INFO d.o.o. is a Croatian printing company that specializes in marking and labeling for identification and traceability purposes.  They also design and install devices for labeling and packaging processes.

One of INFO’s projects was a process that marked tobacco boxes with ID codes for Codentify.  After the codes are marked, an ID reader checks that the codes are legible.  If the code is missing or damaged, production is stopped so that the problem can be addressed. INFO used PLC control to run the entire system; the PLC controls a Videojet printer and Cognex ID reader and communicates back to the GD machine.

The Unitronics Samba 4.3” was chosen.  It offered INFO a simple product that could still handle everything the application required.  The Samba all-in-one PLC had an integrated 4.3-inch color-touch HMI for operating and monitoring the process.  The PLC also had onboard high-speed inputs, allowing INFO to catch the fast trigger events from the photocell.  The easy-to-use programming software made implementing the system very simple.

INFO has been very pleased with the results of using the Samba.  They explain, “Unitronics Samba was the ideal choice—easy programming, very nice, high-resolution screen and great price/performance ratio.”

To learn more about Unitronics products contact us by clicking here.

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