Advanced Programmable Logic Controller With HMI Overview
- I/O options include high-speed, temperature and weight measurement
- Auto-tune PID, up to 12 independent loops
- Recipe programs and data logging via Data Tables
- Date & time-based control
- Up to 255 user-designed screens
- Hundreds of images per application
- HMI graphs & Trends
- Memory and communication monitoring via HMI – No PC needed
- SMS messaging
- Remote Access utilities
- MODBUS protocol support
- BACnet, M-bus – via 3rd-party converter
- CANbus: CANopen, UniCAN (in C models only).
- FB Protocol Utility: enables serial or TCP/IP communications with 3rd-party device; barcode readers, frequency converters, etc
- 2 RS232/RS485 built-in ports
- I/O options include digital, analog, high-speed, temperature & weight measurement. See tables below:
Visilogic™ Software for Vision120™
All-in-One programming environment. Simple, fast development for both Ladder and HMI applications.
- Develop your PLC and HMI applications in one environment
- Configure hardware & communications
- Establish modem and data communications
- Test and debug your programs
- Software Utilities Suite: remote access and data management tools